Гидрокостюм 5 мм

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The Marlin Skilur Pro wetsuit is an updated model of the Skilur 2.0 wetsuit. This model is manufactured using elastic and soft neoprene of L brand by Sheico. Anatomically accurate cut of the wetsuit, which consists of 35 parts, provides maximum freedom of movement of the spearfisher in the water. The jacket has a raglan cut, which increases comfort and provides maximum fit wetsuit. On the inside the lower part of the jacket is protected by nylon which allows you to put on and take off the jacket without fear to tear or leave scuffs. Unlike its predecessor, the Skilur Pro model wetsuit has no black contrasting details. The jacket's waistband, leg and arm coverings, and hood are all camouflage-colored. Duratex material used in chest, knees and elbows protection is also selected in a tone of camouflage.
Another difference of this model from Skilur 2.0 are pants without straps with differential thickness of neoprene at waist (7-5-3 mm on models with thickness of 7 mm and 5-3-3 mm on models with thickness of 5 mm). This solution allows you to twist the top of the pants open cell to the outside thus creating an "aquastop". The smooth skin skins on the legs, arms and hood prevent water from entering the wetsuit. Hood inserts in the ear region are made of duplicated neoprene to prevent the hood from sticking to the ears. Elbows and knees are protected with durable Duratex material. The wetsuit has "soft seams" due to gluing with special glue for neopene. The surface seams are knitted by a specialist German weaving machine. All the edges of the wetsuit are overlocked, what excludes fabric tearing and increases the lifetime of the material.
The Marlin Skilur Pro wetsuit has a knife holder (on the left side on the chest) and a rifle loading support which is glued to the wetsuit and stitched all around, which prevents the support from tearing while in use.

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The Marlin Skilur Pro wetsuit is an updated model of the Skilur 2.0 wetsuit. This model is manufactured using elastic and soft neoprene of L brand by Sheico. Anatomically accurate cut of the wetsuit, which consists of 35 parts, provides maximum freedom of movement of the spearfisher in the water. The jacket has a raglan cut, which increases comfort and provides maximum fit wetsuit. On the inside the lower part of the jacket is protected by nylon which allows you to put on and take off the jacket without fear to tear or leave scuffs. Unlike its predecessor, the Skilur Pro model wetsuit has no black contrasting details. The jacket's waistband, leg and arm coverings, and hood are all camouflage-colored. Duratex material used in chest, knees and elbows protection is also selected in a tone of camouflage.
Another difference of this model from Skilur 2.0 are pants without straps with differential thickness of neoprene at waist (7-5-3 mm on models with thickness of 7 mm and 5-3-3 mm on models with thickness of 5 mm). This solution allows you to twist the top of the pants open cell to the outside thus creating an "aquastop". The smooth skin skins on the legs, arms and hood prevent water from entering the wetsuit. Hood inserts in the ear region are made of duplicated neoprene to prevent the hood from sticking to the ears. Elbows and knees are protected with durable Duratex material. The wetsuit has "soft seams" due to gluing with special glue for neopene. The surface seams are knitted by a specialist German weaving machine. All the edges of the wetsuit are overlocked, what excludes fabric tearing and increases the lifetime of the material.
The Marlin Skilur Pro wetsuit has a knife holder (on the left side on the chest) and a rifle loading support which is glued to the wetsuit and stitched all around, which prevents the support from tearing while in use.

Для чего можно купить гидрокостюм 5 мм

Модели толщиной 5 мм подходят для ныряния в теплой и прохладной воде. Благодаря небольшой толщине он легкий и эластичный, поэтому маневренный. Его легко надевать, в нем удобно двигаться под водой. Но при всей кажущейся тонкости 5-миллиметровый материал хорошо сохраняет тепло.

В нашем каталоге представлены множество расцветок. Благодаря большому выбору вы сможете подобрать модель, оптимально подходящую для ваших целей: дайвинг, снорклинг, подводная охота. Например, черный цвет уместен для ныряния на большую глубину, камуфляжная расцветка позволит оставаться незаметным на пестром фоне дна и т. д.

Гидрокостюм 5 мм: прочие преимущества

Фирменные модели «Марлин» имеют анатомический крой из нескольких десятков частей. Благодаря этому костюм предоставляет максимальную свободу и удобство движений. Обратите внимание, что у каждой модели количество деталей разное.

С внутренней стороны неопрен не закрыт тканевым слоем — так называемая «открытая пора». Благодаря этому материал плотнее прилегает к телу, минимизируя циркуляцию воды внутри костюма и максимально эффективно сберегая тепло тела.

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